Refereed Journal Articles
[33] | Tanner Finken, Julien Tierny, Joshua A. Levine Localized Evaluation for Constructing Discrete Vector Fields IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Special Issue IEEE VIS 2024) 31(1) January, 2025 |
[32] | Mohamed Kissi, Mathieu Pont, Joshua A. Levine, Julien Tierny A Practical Solver for Scalar Data Topological Simplification IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Special Issue IEEE VIS 2024) 31(1) January, 2025 |
[31] | Pierre A. Deymier, Keith Runge, M. Arif Hasan, Trevor D. Lata, Joshua A. Levine Practical implementation of a scalable discrete Fourier transform using logical phi-bits: nonlinear acoustic qubit analogues Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 11(2) June, 2024 |
[30] | Keith Runge, Pierre A. Deymier, M. Arif Hasan, Trevor D. Lata, Joshua A. Levine Acoustic metamaterials for realizing a scalable multiple phi-bit unitary transformation AIP Advances 14(2) February, 2024 |
[29] | Pierre A. Deymier, Keith Runge, M. Arif Hasan, Trevor D. Lata, Joshua A. Levine Tuning Logical Phi-Bit State Vectors in an Externally Driven Nonlinear Array of Acoustic Waveguides via Drivers’ Phase Quantum Reports 5(2) May, 2023 |
[28] | Pierre A. Deymier, Keith Runge, Philippe Cutillas, M. Arif Hasan, Trevor D. Lata, Joshua A. Levine Scalable exponentially complex representations of logical phi-bit states and experimental demonstration of an operable three phi-bit gate using an acoustic metastructure Applied Physics Letters 122(14) April, 2023 |
[27] | Pierre A. Deymier, Keith Runge, M. Arif Hasan, Trevor D. Lata, Joshua A. Levine, Philippe Cutillas Realizing acoustic qubit analogues with nonlinearly tunable phi-bits in externally driven coupled acoustic waveguides Scientific Reports 13(1) January, 2023 |
[26] | Brian Bollen, Pasindu Tennakoon, Joshua A. Levine Computing a Stable Distance on Merge Trees IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Special Issue IEEE VIS 2022) 29(1) January, 2023 |
[25] | Pierre A. Deymier, Keith Runge, M. Arif Hasan, Joshua A. Levine, Philippe Cutillas Setting the stage for materials simulation using acoustic metamaterials digital quantum analogue computing platforms Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 30(8) October, 2022 |
[24] | Keith Runge, M. Arif Hasan, Joshua A. Levine, Pierre A. Deymier Demonstration of a two-bit controlled-NOT quantum-like gate using classical acoustic qubit-analogues Scientific Reports 12(1) August, 2022 |
[23] | Justin Crum, Cyrus Cheng, David A. Ham, Lawrence Mitchell, Robert C. Kirby, Joshua A. Levine, Andrew Gillette Bringing Trimmed Serendipity Methods to Computational Practice in Firedrake ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(1) February, 2022 |
[22] | Zhenge Zhao, Danilo Motta, Matthew Berger, Joshua A. Levine, Ismail B. Kuzucu, Robert B. Fleischman, Afonso Paiva, Carlos Scheidegger STFT-LDA: An algorithm to facilitate the visual analysis of building seismic responses Information Visualization 20(4) August, 2021 |
[21] | Nghia Truong, Cem Yuksel, Chakrit Watcharopas, Joshua A. Levine, Robert M. Kirby Particle Merging-and-Splitting IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28(12) June, 2021 |
[20] | Yuzhe Lu, Kairong Jiang, Joshua A. Levine, Matthew Berger Compressive Neural Representations of Volumetric Scalar Fields Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis Proceedings) 40(3) June, 2021 |
[19] | Ashok Jallepalli, Joshua A. Levine, Robert M. Kirby The Effect of Data Transformation Methodologies on the Topological Analysis of High-Order FEM Solutions IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Special Issue IEEE VIS 2019: SciVis) 26(1) January, 2020 |
[18] | Justin Crum, Joshua A. Levine, Andrew Gillette Extending discrete exterior calculus to a fractional derivative Computer-Aided Design (Special Issue of Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling) 114 September, 2019 |
[17] | Matthew Berger, Jixian Li, Joshua A. Levine A Generative Model for Volume Rendering IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics 25(4) April, 2019 |
[16] | Julien Tierny, Guillaume Favelier, Joshua A. Levine, Charles Gueunet, Michael Michaux The Topology ToolKit IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Special Issue IEEE VIS 2017: SciVis) 24(1) January, 2018 |
[15] | Matthew Berger, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Lee M. Seversky, Pierre Alliez, Gaël Guennebaud, Joshua A. Levine, Andrei Sharf, Cláudio T. Silva A Survey of Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds Computer Graphics Forum 36(1) February, 2016 |
[14] | Attila Gyulassy, David Günther, Joshua A. Levine, Julien Tierny, Valerio Pascucci Conforming Morse-Smale Complexes IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Special Issue IEEE VIS 2014: SciVis) 20(12) December, 2014 |
[13] | Jonathan R. Bronson, Shankar P. Sastry, Joshua A. Levine, Ross T. Whitaker Adaptive and Unstructured Mesh Cleaving Procedia Engineering (Proc. 23rd International Meshing Roundtable) 82(0) October, 2014 |
[12] | Jonathan R. Bronson, Joshua A. Levine, Ross T. Whitaker Lattice Cleaving: A Multimaterial Tetrahedral Meshing Algorithm with Guarantees IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics 20(2) February, 2014 |
[11] | Matthew Berger, Joshua A. Levine, Luis Gustavo Nonato, Gabriel Taubin, Claudio T. Silva A Benchmark for Surface Reconstruction ACM Transactions on Graphics 32(2) April, 2013 |
[10] | Aaditya G. Landge, Joshua A. Levine, Katherine E. Isaacs, Abhinav Bhatele, Todd Gamblin, Martin Schulz, Steve H. Langer, Peer-Timo Bremer, Valerio Pascucci Visualizing Network Traffic to Understand the Performance of Massively Parallel Simulations IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Special Issue IEEE VIS 2012: InfoVis) 18(12) December, 2012 |
[9] | Joshua A. Levine, Rasmus R. Paulsen, Yongjie Zhang Mesh Processing in Medical Image Analysis -- a Tutorial IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 32(5) September, 2012 |
[8] | Harsh Bhatia, Shreeraj Jadhav, Peer-Timo Bremer, Guoning Chen, Joshua A. Levine, Luis Gustavo Nonato, Valerio Pascucci Flow Visualization with Quantified Spatial and Temporal Errors using Edge Maps IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics 18(9) September, 2012 |
[7] | Joshua A. Levine, Shreeraj Jadhav, Harsh Bhatia, Valerio Pascucci, Peer-Timo Bremer A Quantized Boundary Representation of 2D Flow Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis Proceedings) 31(3pt1) June, 2012 |
[6] | Jonathan R. Bronson, Joshua A. Levine, Ross T. Whitaker Particle systems for adaptive, isotropic meshing of CAD models Engineering with Computers 28(4) May, 2012 |
[5] | Tamal K. Dey, Firdaus Janoos, Joshua A. Levine Meshing interfaces of multi-label data with Delaunay refinement Engineering with Computers 28(1) January, 2012 |
[4] | Tamal K. Dey, Joshua A. Levine, A. Slatton Localized Delaunay Refinement for Sampling and Meshing Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue of Eurographics SGP) 29(5) July, 2010 |
[3] | Tamal K. Dey, Joshua A. Levine Delaunay Meshing of Piecewise Smooth Complexes without Expensive Predicates Algorithms 2(4) November, 2009 |
[2] | Tamal K. Dey, Joshua A. Levine Delaunay meshing of isosurfaces The Visual Computer 24(6) June, 2008 |
[1] | Michael S. Branicky, Michael M. Curtiss, Joshua A. Levine, Stuart B. Morgan Sampling-based planning, control, and verification of hybrid systems IEE Proceedings Control Theory and Applications 153(5) September, 2006 |
Refereed in Conference Proceedings
[25] | Zhe Wang, Dylan Cashman, Mingwei Li, Jixian Li, Matthew Berger, Joshua A. Levine, Remco Chang, Carlos Scheidegger NeuralCubes: Deep Representations for Visual Data Exploration IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) December, 2021 |
[24] | Kairong Jiang, Matthew Berger, Joshua A. Levine Visualization of Unsteady Flow Using Heat Kernel Signatures Pacific Visualization Symposium June, 2020 |
[23] | Matthew Berger, Ajay Nagesh, Joshua A. Levine, Mihai Surdeanu, Hao Helen Zhang Visual Supervision in Bootstrapped Information Extraction Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) November, 2018 |
[22] | Michael Falkenstein, Ben Jones, Joshua A. Levine, Tamar Shinar, Adam W. Bargteil Reclustering for large plasticity in clustered shape matching Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Motion in Games November, 2017 |
[21] | Ben Jones, Tamar Shinar, Joshua A. Levine, Adam W. Bargteil Efficient collision detection for example-based deformable bodies Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Motion in Games November, 2017 |
[20] | Ben Jones, April Martin, Joshua A. Levine, Tamar Shinar, Adam W. Bargteil Ductile fracture for clustered shape matching Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games February, 2016 |
[19] | Chakrit Watcharopas, Yash Sapra, Robert Geist, Joshua A. Levine Extracting Surface Geometry from Particle-Based Fracture Simulations Advances in Visual Computing - 11th International Symposium, ISVC 2015, Proceedings, Part I December, 2015 |
[18] | Joshua A. Levine, Christopher Corsi, Jerry Tessendorf, Adam W. Bargteil, Robert Geist A Peridynamic Perspective on Spring-Mass Fracture Symposium on Computer Animation July, 2014 |
[17] | Matthew Berger, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Lee M. Seversky, Pierre Alliez, Joshua A. Levine, Andrei Sharf, Claudio T. Silva State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds Eurographics (State of the Art Reports) April, 2014 |
[16] | David Alexander Stuart, Joshua A. Levine, Ben Jones, Adam W. Bargteil Automatic Construction of Coarse, High-Quality Tetrahedralizations that Enclose and Approximate Surfaces for Animation Motion in Games November, 2013 |
[15] | Abhinav Bhatele, Todd Gamblin, Steven H. Langer, Peer-Timo Bremer, Erik W. Draeger, Bernd Hamann, Katherine E. Isaacs, Aaditya G. Landge, Joshua A. Levine, Valerio Pascucci, Martin Schulz, Charles H. Still Mapping Applications with Collectives over Sub-communicators on Torus Networks SC Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis November, 2012 |
[14] | Sidharth Kumar, Venkatram Vishwanath, Philip H. Carns, Joshua A. Levine, Robert Latham, Giorgio Scorzelli, Hemanth Kolla, Ray W. Grout, Robert B. Ross, Michael E. Papka, Jacqueline Chen, Valerio Pascucci Efficient Data Restructuring and Aggregation for I/O Acceleration in PIDX SC Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis November, 2012 |
[13] | Shusen Liu, Joshua A. Levine, Peer-Timo Bremer, Valerio Pascucci Gaussian Mixture Model Based Volume Visualization IEEE Symposium on Large-Scale Data Analysis and Visualization October, 2012 |
[12] | Jonathan R. Bronson, Joshua A. Levine, Ross T. Whitaker Lattice Cleaving: Conforming Tetrahedral Meshes of Multimaterial Domains with Bounded Quality 21st International Meshing Roundtable October, 2012 |
[11] | Darrell J. Swenson, Joshua A. Levine, Jess D. Tate, Ross T. Whitaker, Rob S. MacLeod Impacts of Boundary Conforming Meshes on Electrical Cardiac Simulation 21st International Meshing Roundtable October, 2012 |
[10] | David C. Thompson, Joshua A. Levine, Janine C. Bennett, Peer-Timo Bremer, Attila Gyulassy, Valerio Pascucci, Philippe Pébay Analysis of Large-Scale Scalar Data Using Hixels IEEE Symposium on Large-Scale Data Analysis and Visualization October, 2011 |
[9] | Martin Schulz, Joshua A. Levine, Peer-Timo Bremer, Todd Gamblin, Valerio Pascucci Interpreting Performance Data Across Intuitive Domains International Conference on Parallel Processing September, 2011 |
[8] | Harsh Bhatia, Shreeraj Jadhav, Peer-Timo Bremer, Guoning Chen, Joshua A. Levine, Luis Gustavo Nonato, Valerio Pascucci Edge Maps: Representing Flow with Bounded Error 4th Pacific Visualization Symposium March, 2011 |
[7] | Jonathan R. Bronson, Joshua A. Levine, Ross T. Whitaker Particle systems for adaptive, isotropic meshing of CAD models 19th International Meshing Roundtable October, 2010 |
[6] | Darrell J. Swenson, Joshua A. Levine, Zhisong Fu, Jess Tate, Robert S. MacLeod The effect of non-conformal finite element boundaries on electrical monodomain and bidomain simulations Computing in Cardiology September, 2010 |
[5] | Oleksiy Busaryev, Tamal K. Dey, Joshua A. Levine Repairing and meshing imperfect shapes with Delaunay refinement SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling October, 2009 |
[4] | Siu-Wing Cheng, Tamal K. Dey, Joshua A. Levine A Practical Delaunay Meshing Algorithm for a Large Class of Domains 16th International Meshing Roundtable October, 2007 |
[3] | Tamal K. Dey, Joshua A. Levine, Rephael Wenger A Delaunay Simplification Algorithm for Vector Fields 15th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications October, 2007 |
[2] | Tamal K. Dey, Joshua A. Levine Delaunay Meshing of Isosurfaces Shape Modeling International June, 2007 |
[1] | Michael S. Branicky, Michael M. Curtiss, Joshua A. Levine, Stuart B. Morgan RRTs for nonlinear, discrete, and hybrid planning and control 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control December, 2003 |
Books and Monographs
[2] | Abhinav Bhatele, David Böhme, Joshua A. Levine, Allen D. Malony, Martin Schulz, editors Programming and Performance Visualization Tools - International Workshops, ESPT 2017 and VPA 2017, Denver, CO, USA, November 12 and 17, 2017, and ESPT 2018 and VPA 2018, Dallas, TX, USA, November 16 and 11, 2018, Revised Selected Papers Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11027 May, 2019 |
[1] | Joshua A. Levine, Rasmus R. Paulsen, Yongjie Zhang, editors Mesh Processing in Medical Image Analysis 2012 - MICCAI 2012 International Workshop, MeshMed 2012, Nice, France, October 1, 2012. Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7599 October, 2012 |
Refereed Papers in Edited Books
[5] | Ryan Cotsakis, Jim Shaw, Julien Tierny, Joshua A. Levine Implementing persistence-based clustering of point clouds in the Topology ToolKit In Ingrid Hotz, Talha Bin Masood, Filip Sadlo, Julien Tierny, editors. Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization VI -- Theory, Applications, and Software September, 2021 |
[4] | Talha Bin Masood, Joseph Budin, Martin Falk, Guillaume Favelier, Christoph Garth, Charles Gueunet, Pierre Guillou, Lutz Hofmann, Petar Hristov, Adhitya Kamakshidasan, Christopher Kappe, Pavol Klacansky, Patrick Laurin, Joshua A. Levine, Jonas Lukasczyk, Daisuke Sakurai, Maxime Soler, Peter Steneteg, Julien Tierny, Will Usher, Jules Vidal, Michal Wozniak An overview of the Topology ToolKit In Ingrid Hotz, Talha Bin Masood, Filip Sadlo, Julien Tierny, editors. Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization VI -- Theory, Applications, and Software September, 2021 |
[3] | Joshua A. Levine, David Thompson, Janine C. Bennett, Peer-Timo Bremer, Attila Gyulassy, Valerio Pascucci, Philippe Pébay Analysis of Uncertain Scalar Data with Hixels In Min Chen, Hans Hagen, Charles Hansen, Chris Johnson, Arie Kaufman, editors. Scientific Visualization: Uncertainty, Multifield, Biomedical, and Scalable Visualization September, 2014 |
[2] | Shreeraj Jadhav, Harsh Bhatia, Peer-Timo Bremer, Joshua A. Levine, Luis Gustavo Nonato, Valerio Pascucci Consistent Approximation of Local Flow Behavior for 2D Vector Fields using Edge Maps In R. Peikert, H. Hauser, H. Carr, R. Fuchs, editors. Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization II -- Theory, Algorithms, and Applications January, 2012 |
[1] | Siu-Wing Cheng, Tamal K. Dey, Joshua A. Levine Theory of a Practical Delaunay Meshing Algorithm for a Large Class of Domains In B.B. Bhattacharya, S. Sur-Kolay, S.C. Nandy, A. Bagchi, editors. Statistical Science and Interdisciplinary Research -- Vol. 3: Algorithms, Architures and Information Systems Security November, 2008 |
Invited in Conference Proceedings
[1] | Martin Schulz, Jim Belak, Abhinav Bhatele, Peer-Timo Bremer, Greg Bronevetsky, Marc Casas, Todd Gamblin, Katherine E. Isaacs, Ignacio Laguna, Joshua A. Levine, Valerio Pascucci, David Richards, Barry Rountree Performance Analysis Techniques for the Exascale Co-Design Process PARCO March, 2014 |
Short Papers and Abstracts
[12] | Abrar Nur-E Faiaz, Akinsanmi S. Ige, Jake D. Balla, M. Afridi Hasan, M. Arif Hasan, Pierre A. Deymier, Keith Runge, Joshua A. Levine Optimizing Phi-bits for Quantum-Inspired Computing Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2024 Fall Meeting of the APS Eastern Great Lakes Section) October, 2024 |
[11] | Abrar Nur-E Faiaz, Akinsanmi S. Ige, Kazi Tahsin Mahmood, Jake D. Balla, M. Arif Hasan, Pierre A. Deymier, Keith Runge, Joshua A. Levine Potential of Nonlinear Phi-Bit Modes in Elastic Systems to Revolutionize Quantum-Analogue Computing Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2024 Spring Meeting of the APS Eastern Great Lakes Section) April, 2024 |
[10] | Abrar Nur-E Faiaz, Akinsanmi S. Ige, Kazi Tahsin Mahmood, M. Arif Hasan, Pierre A. Deymier, Keith Runge, Joshua A. Levine Exploring and Controlling Nonlinear Phi-Bit Modes in Elastic Systems for Quantum-Analogue Computing Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2024 APS March Meeting) March, 2024 |
[9] | M. Arif Hasan, Pierre A. Deymier, Keith Runge, Joshua A. Levine Revolutionizing Computations: Quantum Circuit Analogues with Nonlinear Acoustic Waves Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2024 APS March Meeting) March, 2024 |
[8] | Pierre A. Deymier, Keith Runge, M. Arif Hasan, Joshua A. Levine, Michael Leamy Application of acoustic metamaterials to phase computing The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 155(3_supplement) March, 2024 |
[7] | M. Arif Hasan, Pierre A. Deymier, Keith Runge, Joshua A. Levine Quantum analogue information processing using ``classical entanglement'' of acoustic waves The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 153(3_supplement) March, 2023 |
[6] | Ben Jones, April Martin, Joshua A. Levine, Tamar Shinar, Adam W. Bargteil Clustering and collision detection for clustered shape matching Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Motion in Games November, 2015 |
[5] | Haimasree Bhattacharya, Joshua A. Levine, Adam W. Bargteil Fluid Simulation on Unstructured Quadrilateral Surface Meshes Structured-Meshing: Theory, Applications, and Evaluation (CASA 2014 Workshop) May, 2014 |
[4] | Jonathan R. Bronson, Joshua A. Levine, Ross T. Whitaker Scalable Lattice Cleaving SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing February, 2014 |
[3] | Jonathan R. Bronson, Shankar P. Sastry, Mark B. Kim, Joshua A. Levine, Ross T. Whitaker Towards Tetrahedral Meshing with Decoupled Element and Boundary Constraints 22nd International Meshing Roundtable (Research Note) October, 2013 |
[2] | Joshua A. Levine, Shusen Liu, Avishek Saha, Peer-Timo Bremer, Valerio Pascucci Volume Visualization Techniques for Ensembles of Fields Workshop on the Analysis of Large Scale, High-Dimensional, and Multivariate Data Using Topology and Statistics June, 2013 |
[1] | Joshua A. Levine, Zhisong Fu, Darrell J. Swenson, Robert S. MacLeod, Ross T. Whitaker A comparison of Delaunay-based meshing algorithms for electrophysical cardiac simulation VPH: Virtual Physiological Human 2010 October, 2010 |
Workshop Proceedings
[8] | Jixian Li, Danielle Van Boxel, Joshua A. Levine Autoencoder-Aided Visualization of Collections of Morse Complexes Proceedings of TopoInVis, the IEEE VIS Workshop on Topological Data Analysis and Visualization October, 2022 |
[7] | Benafsh Husain, Alfredo Giménez, Joshua A. Levine, Todd Gamblin, Peer-Timo Bremer Relating memory performance data to application domain data using an integration API Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Visual Performance Analysis November, 2015 |
[6] | Robert Geist, Joshua A. Levine, James Westall A problem-based learning approach to GPU computing Proceedings of the Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing November, 2015 |
[5] | Martin Schulz, Abhinav Bhatele, Peer-Timo Bremer, Todd Gamblin, Katherine Isaacs, Joshua A. Levine, Valerio Pascucci Creating a Tool Set for Optimizing Topology-Aware Node Mappings 5th International Workshop on Parallel Tools for High Performance Computing September, 2011 |
[4] | Todd Gamblin, Martin Schulz, Peer-Timo Bremer, Joshua A. Levine, Valerio Pascucci Intuitive performance visualization techniques for topological analysis on capability machines Summer United Workshops on Parallel, Distributed, and Cooperative Processing July, 2011 |
[3] | Steven H. Langer, Bert Still, Peer-Timo Bremer, Denise Hinkel, Bruce Langdon, Joshua A. Levine, Ed Williams Cielo Full-System Simulations of Multi-Beam Laser-Plasma Interaction in NIF Experiments CUG 2011, Proceedings of the 53rd Cray User Group Meeting May, 2011 |
[2] | Michael S. Branicky, Michael M. Curtiss, Joshua A. Levine, Stuart B. Morgan Sampling-based reachability algorithms for control and verification of complex systems 13th Yale Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Systems May, 2005 |
[1] | Michael S. Branicky, Michael M. Curtiss, Joshua A. Levine, Stuart B. Morgan Sampling-based planning and control 12th Yale Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Systems May, 2003 |
Other Publications
[6] | Brian Bollen, Erin Chambers, Joshua A. Levine, Elizabeth Munch Reeb Graph Metrics from the Ground Up CoRR abs/2110.05631 October, 2021 |
[5] | Matthew Berger, Joshua A. Levine Visualizing Time-Varying Particle Flows with Diffusion Geometry CoRR abs/1708.03686 September, 2017 |
[4] | Attila Gyulassy, Joshua A. Levine, Valerio Pascucci Visualization of Discrete Gradient Construction (Multimedia submission) 27th Symposium on Computational Geometry June, 2011 |
[3] | Joshua Aaron Levine Delaunay Methods for Approximating Geometric Domains PhD Dissertation, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University September, 2009 |
[2] | Tamal K. Dey, Joshua A. Levine DelPSC: a Delaunay mesher for piecewise smooth complexes (Multimedia submission) 24th Symposium on Computational Geometry June, 2008 |
[1] | Joshua Aaron Levine Sampling-Based Planning for Hybrid Systems MS Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Case Western Reserve University September, 2003 |