Practical implementation of a scalable discrete Fourier transform using logical phi-bits: nonlinear acoustic qubit analogues
It is shown that multiple logical phi-bit large-scale unitary operations analogous to quantum circuits can be realized by design. Logical phi-bits are nonlinear acoustic analogues of qubits which arise when elastic waveguides are coupled and driven at multiple frequencies in the presence of non-linearities. The contribution presents an approach that maps both the state of multiple phi-bits in their supporting nonlinear acoustic metastructure and their representations as complex state vectors in exponentially scaling Hilbert spaces. Upon physically actuating changes in phi-bit phases and by engineering appropriate multiple phi-bits representations, one can realize a scalable phi-bit-based quantum Fourier transform. |
[DOI/EE link]
author = {Pierre A. Deymier and Keith Runge and M. Arif Hasan and Trevor D. Lata and Joshua A. Levine},
day = {1},
ee = {},
journal = {Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations},
month = {6},
number = {2},
pages = {217--229},
publisher = {Springer},
title = {Practical implementation of a scalable discrete Fourier transform using logical phi-bits: nonlinear acoustic qubit analogues},
volume = {11},
year = {2024}