Quantum analogue information processing using ``classical entanglement'' of acoustic waves
Various quantum analogues have emerged due to recent advances in the design and fabrication of acoustic structures. Acoustic analogous to 'entangled' states of quantum bits or qubits offer a transformative new solution to reach some of the goals of quantum information science. Beams of linear acoustic waves support degrees of freedom (DOF), analogous to quantum mechanics and light beams. The states associated with these DOFs—that we named phase-bits or phi-bits—are algebraically non-separable, like the DOF of a single quantum particle. The strong coupling and nonlinearity of acoustic waves in our waveguides offer new ways to realize non-separable states for classical multipartite systems that span exponentially complex Hilbert spaces with much larger dimensions [1,2]. These acoustic structures enable quantum analogue computing even at room temperature and for long periods of coherence. [Work supported by NSF.] [1] Hasan, M A, et al. Experimental classical entanglement in a 16 acoustic qubit-analogue. Scientific Reports 11, 2021. [2] Runge, K, et al. Demonstration of a two-bit controlled-NOT quantum-like gate using classical acoustic qubit-analogues. Scientific Reports 12, 2022. |
[DOI/EE link]
author = {M. Arif Hasan and Pierre A. Deymier and Keith Runge and Joshua A. Levine},
day = {1},
ee = {https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0019170},
journal = {The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America},
month = {3},
number = {3\_supplement},
pages = {A362--A362},
publisher = {Acoustical Society of America},
title = {Quantum analogue information processing using ``classical entanglement'' of acoustic waves},
volume = {153},
year = {2023}