DelPSC: a Delaunay mesher for piecewise smooth complexes (Multimedia submission)
This video presents the working of a new algorithm/software called DelPSC that meshes piecewise smooth complexes in three dimensions with Delaunay simplices. Piecewise smooth complexes admit a large class of geometric domains including polyhedra, smooth and piecewise smooth surfaces with or without boundary, and non-manifolds. The algorithm and its proof of correctness are described in the paper [7]. |
[DOI/EE link]
acm = {},
address = {College Park, MD},
author = {Tamal K. Dey and Joshua A. Levine},
booktitle = {24th Symposium on Computational Geometry},
ee = {},
month = {6},
pages = {220--221},
projvideo = {},
publisher = {ACM},
title = {{DelPSC}: a {D}elaunay mesher for piecewise smooth complexes (Multimedia submission)},
year = {2008}