I’m an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at University of Arizona.

I work with an awesome research group: Tanner Finken (PhD CS), Emiliano Islas (PhD CS), Md Afridi Hasan (MS CS), Aditya Kumar (MS CS), Jake Balla (BS CS) and Jackson Randolph (BS CS). Alumni of my group.

I was a member of UA’s HDC Lab. Before joining UA, I used to profess at Clemson University. I am a postdoctoral alumnus of University of Utah’s Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute having worked with Valerio Pascucci and Ross T. Whitaker. I did my PhD at the Ohio State University with Tamal K. Dey and my undergraduate and MS at Case Western Reserve University with Michael S. Branicky.

My short bio, google scholar, dblp, and cv.

I research visualization and (less so these days) geometric modeling.
Along the way, I use topological analysis, high-performance computing, and computer graphics.
I write code for my research, including contributions to TTK, Cleaver, DelPSC, and DelIso.

My recent work has been funded by:
    NSF, as part of the New Frontiers of Sound (NewFoS) Science and Technology Center (DMR-2242925).
    NSF, on our collaborative award Collaborative Research: CQIS: A Sound Leap (SouL) (CMMI-2204400).
    DOE, on our collaborative project Neural Field Processing for Visual Analysis (DE-SC-0023319).
    NSF, on our collaborative award Neural Volume Visualization (IIS-2006710).
    DOE, on my Early Career Research Program award Analyzing Multifaceted Scientific Data with Topological Analytics (DE-SC-0019039).

Previous (now completed) funded projects:
    NSF, on our collaborative award Collaborative Research: Transforming Serendipity Elements from Theory to Practice (Former UA PI, Andrew Gillette) (DMS-1913094).
    NSF, on our collaborative award Coupled Simulation and Mesh Generation using Computational Topology (IIS-1654221, previously IIS-1314757).




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