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In this milestone you will be providing the final progress update for your work before submitting the final project report a month later. This update will again be submitted a LaTeX document, updated from last time, as well as a short presentation in class.


In this milestone we are:

  • Reporting on our progress with the project
  • Beginning to finalize artifacts of our progress on the project, e.g., task abstractions, design sketches, interview data, survey from content, code, writing
  • Discussing any changes, deviations, or deficiencies since the proposal.
  • Placing all of this in a LaTeX document.


You again have two required components for this assignment: (1) completing a progress update write-up document and (2) preparing a update presentation. I describe each of these separately.

Progress Update Write-Up (due Apr 06 at 11:59:59 PM)

Similar to past submissions, please use the IEEE TVCG Journal Track Format. Ideally, many of the requested elements will be similar, but at this stage I expect a number of sections in your report will be near completion. Likely by this stage you are closer to 5-6 pages of material, depending on the status of your project and the timeline you set out. There is neither a minimum nor maximum length at this stage (whereas there will be a maximum length for the final report).

Here is a revised outline. Please again delineate the status where appropriate (i.e. planned items vs completed items).

  1. Project title, abstract, and introduction should be in near final form
    • Particularly, at this stage I expect the research questions you are focusing on will not deviate significantly between now and the final submission.
    • There may however, still be some uncertainties about the outcomes; at this stage you should be contextualizing your report on anticipated outcomes.
    • That said, you should include a clear list of contributions of the work at this stage, at least as you see them (they might still change between now and the final).
  2. Related Work
    • This section should also be nearly finalized at this point. Minimally, you should know the complete list of related work you will discuss, even if the discussion is not yet completely written up
  3. Background
    • Similar to above, there should be at least be an outline of this section, although some of the elements (e.g. explanatory figures) may still be in sketched forms.
  4. Methods
    • This section should clearly outline the methods you have employed as well as separately describe what you have not yet employed. At this stage, I expect few uncertainties remain in your methods. Between this milestone and the final, the focus should be on executing the work rather than making changes to the plan.
    • Report on any roadblocks you have encountered up until this point. How were they addressed and how did the timeline shift as a result?
    • There should be a clear delineation between work that you’ve completed and work that is remaining to complete.
    • You should return to your evaluation described in your proposal and give a clear update on whether or not the project is on track to be successful (and, if a different evaluation mechanism is to be deployed, describe it here).
  5. Partial Results
    • At this stage, you should at least have some form of partial results to account for the work you’ve invested in the project.
    • For projects that are implementing elements, particularly developing visual interfaces or visualizing data, sample screenshots that help illustrate what we can expect by the final should be included.
    • For projects with quantitative or summative results, you should already have partial results (e.g. a partially complete table) and at this stage you should be starting to think of how to present them.
    • For surveys, the “results” of the work should include summaries, descriptions, and syntheses of the articles you’ve covered up until this point.
    • If code is an artifact of your research project, then this section should include sufficient information as to how to run your code. If applicable, feel free to create a separate subdirectory in the github repository and include the code and/or sample data. Do not submit very large data files in git.
    • Preliminary evaluation of any partial results is also requested at this stage, although you may include results that are not yet fully evaluated if you’re seeking feedback on them.
  6. Timeline
    • Review the concrete milestones you set out in the proposal. Which of these are achieved? Are you ahead of, or behind, schedule? How has the plan changed?
    • It may be helpful to present this section by first repeating the original timeline and the adding a new subsection that explicitly summarizes and changes or deviations from your proposal and explains the reasons for these changes.
    • If there have been major updates between now and P2, please note these (e.g., shifts in the direction of the work)
  7. Discussion / Impact
    • This section should start to include observations based on your preliminary results and begin to discuss the consequences of the work you have conducted.
    • Any impacts may still be high level and/or aspirational at this point.

As this is our final check-in, feel free to deviate from the above as you see fit to maximize this opportunity for feedback. With the experience in this class of reading papers, you may have discovered a format that works better for you at this stage.

Progress Update Presentation (presented in class on Apr. 4)

Your progress updated presentation should briefly describe the status of your project to the entire class. Presentations are required to be 2-3 minutes, followed by an anticipated 4-5 minutes of class discussion. These time limits are firm: presentations that go beyond 3 minutes will be cut off by the instructor and penalized in grading.

Slides are required and other visuals may be used. The main purpose of this presentation is to give a brief update of any major changes in the plan and solicit feedback on critical concerns. Like with your last two presentations, you should present your research idea in a way that maximizes the ability to make connections with (and solicit feedback from) your classmates and instructor.

This is the later of the two checkpoints, and thus your final opportunity for gathering input from the class as a whole.

In the event that unforeseen circumstances prevent you from attending class in person, the instructor will consider options for pre-recorded presentations.


You should use git to submit all source code files for your (1) write-up and (2) a copy of your presentation slides. The expectation for this and future assignments is any work you submit will be graded by cloning your repo.

You should submit your progress update as a .pdf file named update2.pdf. In addition, you must submit all .tex files and anything necessary to build them (images, .cls files, etc.). I will grade whatever is submitted in the .pdf, but these other files will be used for cross-checking the work.



Requirement Value
Submitting the update write-up (due Apr 06 at 11:59:59 PM)

Graded using a pass (3/3) / fail (0/3) system, with instructor (written) feedback provided to help with formative planning.

Presenting the progress update (in class on Apr. 4)

Graded using a categorical system: Excellent: 3.0 (100%), Good: 2.64 (88%), OK: 2.25 (75%), Poor: 1.95 (65%), or Incomplete: 0.0
Additional feedback will be provided in-person during class

Total 6/6

Cumulative Relationship to Final Grade

Worth 6% of your final grade