Please answer the following two questions that pertain to Lecture 23, Lecture 24, and Lecture 25.

  1. Explain the difference between streamlines and pathlines in both the steady and unsteady settings. Next, explain the difference between pathlines and streaklines in both the steady and unsteady settings. Which of these three objects are most like a physical way that we view flow?

  2. What kind of method, in the four types of methods for tensor (or vector) field visualization, is using glyphs? For tensor field visualization, there are multiple reasons why it might make sense to represent a (symmetric) tensor as an ellipsoidal glyph, explain one of these reasons. Next, describe a limitation of using glyphs to visualize tensor fields.


Submit your quiz in a folder called quizzes in your git repo. Within this folder create a file Q09.txt that has your answers.

For each question, I’m expecting an answer of 150 words or less. Aim to answer each question in a single paragraph.

I plan to grade your answer on a scale of 0-5, where 5 indicates that you completely answered all portions of the question. Thus, you will receive a score of 0-10 for this quiz. This score will be scaled to the total value of this quiz for your final grade (1%).