Please answer the following two questions that pertain to Lecture 08 and Lecture 09.

  1. Give three deficiencies of the rainbow color map. Even noting these, give one situation where a (perhaps modified) rainbow color space might be preferred.

  2. What is a derived attribute? What broad type of action, using the language of {action, target} pairs, employs derived attributes? Briefly describe an abstract example, other than the two described in Chapter 3 of Munzner’s textbook, of visualizations where the task employs deriving attributes.


Submit your quiz in a folder called quizzes in your git repo. Within this folder create a file Q03.txt that has your answers.

For each question, I’m expecting an answer of 150 words or less. Aim to answer each question in a single paragraph.

I plan to grade your answer on a scale of 0-5, where 5 indicates that you completely answered all portions of the question. Thus, you will receive a score of 0-10 for this quiz. This score will be scaled to the total value of this quiz for your final grade (1%).