ofnode/of Installation

Read github’s Readme.md carefully before beginning. Unlike the usual OF installation, the way things work with ofnode/of is a flat hierarchy. On my installation, I created a top-level following:

  of      <-- Created by git clone
  ofApp   <-- Also git cloned
  A05P0X  <-- Another project directory

Essentially, each project (ofApp and A05P0X in the above) will use the included CMakeLists.txt to look for openFrameworks in the sibling directory of

There are 3 main steps to the installation:

  1. Cloning the repo. As shown above, first create a directory (I called mine openFrameworks), cd into it, and execute the clone command. The command provided at the above repo only pulls down the essentials. You may also want to install the examples and other elements (but these are not necessary

  2. Installing dependences. Be Careful. The dev scripts provided install most of the basic pieces for openFrameworks. You may not need to run these if you already have a working installation. For example, on OSX I did not install XQuartz from homebrew, since I’ve installed it manually.

  3. For compiling, I did not use Ninja. You can try if you’d like, but I don’t think it’s necessary for our purposes. Instead, I executed:

  cd of
  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake ..

After this, I also cloned the ofApp repo in the directory shown above for a test. Be sure to look at ofApp’s CMakeLists.txt carefully. A couple of important points: