Lecture 15
Trees and Graphs
Required Reading
Munzner, Visualization Analysis and Design, Chapter 9
Treevis.net: A Tree Visualization Reference. Hans-Jorg Schulz, IEEE CG&A, 31(6), pp. 11-15, Nov.-Dec. 2011.
See also: A Visual Bibliography of Tree Visualization. InfoVis 2010 Best Poster. -
Hierarchical Edge Bundles: Visualization of Adjacency Relations in Hierarchical Data. Danny Holten, Proc InfoVis 06, published as IEEE TVCG 12(5), p 741-748, 2006.
Recommended Reading
Cushion Treemaps: visualization of hierarchical information. Jack J. van Wijk and Huub van de Wetering, Proc InfoVis 1999, pp 73-78.
Topological Fisheye Views for Visualizing Large Graphs. Emden Gansner, Yehuda Koren and Stephen North, IEEE TVCG 11(4), p 457-468, 2005.
Visual Analysis of Large Graphs: State-of-the-Art and Future Research Challenges. Tatiana von Landesberger, Arjan Kuijper, Tobias Schreck, Jörn Kohlhammer, Jarke J. van Wijk, Jean-Daniel Fekete, and Dieter W. Fellner. Computer Graphics Forum 30:6 (2011), 1719-1749.