Please click here to create your repository

In this milestone you will provide a status update as to how your final project has progressed. This status update should be in the form of a LaTeX document that is updated from project milestone 1. I am expecting that you will copy any necessary files from milestone 1 and insert them in this project milestone. Thus, the base repository I have provided for you is empty, but I am expecting you to populate it with the necessary files to build your proposal document. Only include *.tex and *.bib files, and any necessary files to build the your .pdf report (i.e. images and latex style files like .cls, .bst, and your Makefile). DO NOT include any auxiliary or compiled files in the repository.


In this milestone we are:

  • Reporting on our progress with the project
  • Creating artifacts of our progress on the project, e.g., task abstractions, design sketches, interview data, code, writing
  • Discussing any changes, deviations, or deficiencies since our first proposal.
  • Placing all of this in a LaTeX document

Providing your milestone update

I suggest that you will start by copying over all latex files and then renaming proposal.tex to update.tex to start. You will have to adjust the Makefile accordingly. When I grade this milestone, I will run make and then look for a file update.pdf which contains your progress update.

By starting from proposal.tex, you can maintain much of the structure that you had from project milestone 1. While this structure is helpful, I expect that you will change the sections so that you can:

  1. Update the Introduction, Background, and Related Work to reflect any additional research you have done and to describe the project that you will complete by the end of the semester.
    • Language here should shift from aspirational/future tense (“We will show…”) to more precise present tense (“We show…”)
    • While I don’t expect much to have changed with the problem, be careful to discuss any significant changes in the problem and motivation.
    • Background and Related Work do not need to be finalized at this stage, but should likely include both visualization and domain-specific references to the problem you’re focusing on.
  2. A new section that describes Preliminary Results.
    • At this stage, you results still might be very “preliminary”, but a successful progress update needs to clearly report on what you have accomplished since the proposal phase.
    • For example, you could include any screenshots from your preliminary implementations visualizations as well as any quantitative results that would be relevant.
    • If code is an artifact of your research project, then this section should include sufficient information as to how to run your code. Moreover, if you have it available, you should create a separate subdirectory in the github repository and include the code and/or sample data (this can be a stripped down dataset, ideally of size <50MB).
  3. Update the research plan section. Particularly, I will be looking for
    • A new subsection that explicitly summarizes and changes or deviations from your proposal and explains the reasons for these changes.
    • An updated timeline that describes which of your subgoals you have completed and which subgoals remain. If there are new goals, these should be explicitly noted. If some goals will not be completed as originally planned, these should be marked.
  4. An update to the Impacts section that now discusses how the impacts have changed in light of preliminary work.

You are welcome to create additional .tex files and include them in update.tex as you see fit. You can deviate from the above structure provided you include all of the above components.


You should use git to submit all .tex files and files to build them. The expectation is that your update will graded by first building with make and then grading the resulting pdf. If you are working as a team, I expect that all members of the team will work together on the document, but only one member is required to submit.

To summarize, my expectation is that your repo will contain:

  1. Copies of update.tex, intro.tex, background.tex, research.tex, impact.tex, and update.bib
  2. All other files necessary to build update.pdf
  3. NO files which are the result of building, do not submit update.pdf nor any of the intermediate files that result from compiling LaTeX (e.g. .aux, .bbl, .blg, .log, .log files).



Requirement Value
Submitting a project update that compiles 5
Satisfying all required elements for introduction and background 10
Providing an updated research plan that lists completed and pending milestones and justifies any deviations 20
Reporting on the results of preliminary work 15
Discussing the impact of the work 10
Total 60/60

Cumulative Relationship to Final Grade

Worth 6% of your final grade