Lecture 18
Volume Rendering
Required Reading
Munzner, Chapter 8.4.2 (Note: the textbook is available electronically through the UA Library for those on campus)
Display of Surfaces from Volume Data. Marc Levoy, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 8(3), 29-37, 1988.
You may also want to read the errata.
Optional Reading
Volume rendering. Robert A. Drebin, Loren C. Carpenter, Pat Hanrahan. SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Vol. 22, No. 4, August, 1988, pages 51-58.
Real-Time Volume Graphics. Klaus Engel, Markus Hadwiger, Joe Kniss, Aaron Lefohn, Christof Rezk-Salama and Daniel Weiskopf. In ACM Siggraph 2004, Course 28, 2004.
While I recommend the book, you can Focus on Chapters 1, 3 and Sections III and VII in the coursenotes their SIGGRAPH 2004 course, as well as
the slides from newer coursenotes from EG 2006, specifically parts 1,3,5-7.