Lecture 10
Tasks and Interaction
Required Reading
- Munzner, Chapter 3, 6.8, 11 (Note: the textbook is available electronically through the UA Library for those on campus)
Optional Reading
Example Code from Class on Color - use
git clone https://github.com/UA-CSC544-Spring2023/l10_examples.git
to download -
Smooth and Efficient Zooming and Panning. Jack J. van Wijk and Wim A.A. Nuij, Proc. InfoVis 2003, p. 15-22
Animated Transitions in Statistical Data Graphics. Jeffrey Heer and George G. Robertson. IEEE TVCG (Proc. InfoVis 2007) 13(6): 1240-1247, 2007.
Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis Jeffrey Heer and Ben Shneiderman, Communications of the ACM, 55(4), pp. 45-54, 2012.
A Design Space of Visualization Tasks. Hans-Jorg Schulz, Thomas Nocke, Magnus Heitzler, and Heidrun Schumann. IEEE TVCG, 19(12): 2376-2385, 2013.