Lecture 10
Tasks and Interaction
Required Reading
- Munzner, Chapter 3, 6.8, 11 (Note: the textbook is available electronically through the UA Library for those on campus)
Optional Reading
Smooth and Efficient Zooming and Panning. Jack J. van Wijk and Wim A.A. Nuij, Proc. InfoVis 2003, p. 15-22
Animated Transitions in Statistical Data Graphics. Jeffrey Heer and George G. Robertson. IEEE TVCG (Proc. InfoVis 2007) 13(6): 1240-1247, 2007.
Low-level components of analytic activity in information visualization. Robert Amar, James Eagan, and John Stasko. Proc. InfoVis 05, pp. 111-117.
A Design Space of Visualization Tasks. Hans-Jorg Schulz, Thomas Nocke, Magnus Heitzler, and Heidrun Schumann. IEEE TVCG, 19(12): 2376-2385, 2013.