Assignment 12
Review (Extra Credit)
Due: May. 01, 2024 03:29:59 PM
Graded: May. 06, 2024
Percentage of Grade: 0%
Assignment Description: Finalized
This assignment is a series of practice questions that you can use to help practice prepare for the final exam. It is optional and worth extra credit that will be added to your grade.
Please click here to create your repository
Create a plain-text ASCII file, named answers.txt
, and place it in
the top-level directory of your git-repository. Do not submit PDF files, word documents, etc., we will not grade those.
After completing any questions you choose, commit and push this file, with answers formatted roughly like this:
CSC444 Data Visualization
Assignment 12
1. This is the answer to the first question
2. This is the answer to the second question.
Questions will cover material for the entire course, as will the final exam as it is cumulative.
- HTML / CSS selections
- Write a CSS selector for all elements of class
. - Write a CSS selector for all
elements. - Write a CSS selector the element with ID
- Write a CSS selector for all elements of class
- SVG / Javascript
- Write a JavaScript object with property names
, and property values"Pima"
. - Write an SVG
element that goes from point \((0, 0)\) to \((200, 200)\) and is drawn in green. - Without using d3, write a JavaScript snippet to create a
element, store it in the global variableelement
, set its CSS class totitle
, and its content to"This is a title"
- Write a JavaScript object with property names
- d3 practice
- Write a d3 expression that selects the element with id
, appends ansvg
element, and sets its width and height to 300. - Write a single d3 expression that appends a
element for each value in the global variabledata
(which holds a JavaScript array), and binds eachcircle
element to each item ofdata
- Write a d3 expression that selects the element with id
- Scales
- You have a variable
that was initialized as follows:scale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, 10]).range([100, 200])
What’s the result of
, andscale(15)
? - You have a variable
that was initialized as follows:scale = d3.scaleLinear() .domain([0, 10]) .range(["translate(0, 200)", "translate(200, 0)"])
What’s the result of
, andscale(20)
- You have a variable
Which of the following color spaces is more appropriate for designing a user-interface widget for picking colors in a visualization, and why? (a) RGB (b) CMYK (c) HSV (d) Lab
If you had to choose a single color channel to use in a colormap for categorical data, which is the best one, and why? (a) Hue (b) Saturation (c) Luminance
What’s the difference between separable and integral visual channel pairs?
Explain both the expressiveness and effectiveness principle.
Shneiderman’s “Visual information seeking mantra” is “Overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on-demand”. Explain each of the three components.
A typical practice in visualization is to fix the width and height of the plot ahead of time (e.g., we did this in almost all of our programs). When plotting time series, describe why fixing the widths and heights of the plot might be ineffective.
Explain what a “small multiples” view is. Describe an example visualization that makes use of small multiples.
Give one advantage and one disadvantages for choosing scatterplot matrices instead of parallel coordinates plots.
What is a streamgraph? Explain the type of data it might be appropriate for. Compare streamgraphs to stacked bar charts.
Given graph data, describe an example task that is harder to complete on an adjacency matrix based visualization as opposed to a node-link diagram.
Describe the main forces in the standard force-directed layout of undirected graphs.
Describe the case table for Marching Triangles, a two-dimensional variant of Marching Cubes for triangulated data. Explain any ambiguous cases, if they exist, and if they do not exist explain why.
Explain what a transfer function is and how it is used by a volume renderer
Give one reason to prefer a glyph-based visualization of a vector field over a geometry (streamline/pathline) based. Give one reason to prefer the geometry-based method.
You should use git to submit all source code files. The expectation for this and future assignments is any code you submit will be graded by cloning your repo and then executing it within a modern browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
All that is necessary for this assignment is a single file within the repository, answers.txt
None. There are no wrong answers. This assignment is not eligible to submit late.
Point Breakdown
We will grade this based on how many questions you complete rather than if they are correct or incorrect. Completing all questions is worth a maximum of 2.5% extra credit.
Cumulative Relationship to Final Grade
Worth 0% of your final grade, this assignment is purely extra credit on top of the other graded components in the course.