Lecture 15
Tabular Arrangements
Required Reading
- Munzner, Chapter 7, 15.3-15.5 (Note: the textbook is available electronically through the UA Library for those on campus)
Optional Reading
Munzner, Chapter 13 (Note: the textbook is available electronically through the UA Library for those on campus)
Multi-Scale Banking to 45 Degrees. Jeffrey Heer, Maneesh Agrawala. Proc. InfoVis 2006, published as IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 12(5): 701-708, Sep/Oct 2006.
Stacked Graphs - Geometry & Aesthetics. Lee Byron, Martin Wattenberg. Proceedings of InfoVis 2008.
Taggle: Scalable Visualization of Tabular Data through Aggregation. Katarina Furmanova, Samuel Gratzl, Holger Stitz, Thomas Zichner, Miroslava Jaresova, Alexander Lex, Marc Streit. Information Visualization, 19(2): 114-136, 2019
Hierarchical Parallel Coordinates for Exploration of Large Datasets. Ying-Huey Fua, Matthew O. Ward, and Elke A. Rundensteiner. IEEE Visualization 1999.